About RopeMetrics
Bringing Technology Advances to Team Roping for the First TimeEverything You Need for Team Roping, Minus the Horse
RopeMetrics is a software and classification system for Team Roping. We have brought the technology advances of other industries to team roping for the first time. We provide an App that allows membership registration, event calendar/signup, stats, contact info, etc.
This website will allow ropers to register as a member then discover all of the perks associated. Ropers will be able to set up their personal and contact info on their profile page, see future events and sign up for any they want, view their stats, results and earnings of past events.

Our Vision
- To preserve the history of Team Roping, while improving the industry for future generations
- To improve the experience for all involved, including organizations, ropers, and spectators
- To provide the most access and transparency to Roper's stats and metrics than ever before
- To offer a fair classification system that judges on personal performance and not circumstances
- To allow everyone to engage in the sport we all know and love from anywhere, anytime
A New Approach
RopeMetrics began with a vision to improve the Equine industry by bringing together a group of Ropers with over 50 years of combined Team Roping knowledge and experience with world class software developers.
We work in and know the Equine industry inside and out. We also know how to build great products. By combining our knowledge of roping with leaders in software development, we’ve been able to design a more simplified platform where you can create and run an event through our easy-to-use platform.
We’ve designed RopeMetrics for Organizations, as well as for Ropers. Our initial product lineup includes a platform for Organizations, an app for Ropers, and a classification system for Ropers to properly compete against peers of similar abilities.

For Organizations
We know the planning and hard work that goes into organizing an event. That’s why we’ve simplified the Team Roping production process by eliminating unnecessary steps. RopeMetrics has created a turn-key, event planning platform with Organizations in mind. With RopeMetrics, Organizations can now create and operate a Team Roping event efficiently.
For Ropers
We designed an app with all the essentials in mind.
The RopeMetrics app provides Ropers with:
- Schedules
- Results
- Personal stats
- Memberships
- Live updates
- Push notifications
- Online pre-entry

Our Classification System
It’s important to have a classification system that offers fairness and equality. We’ve committed a great deal of time to building a system that allows Ropers to properly compete against peers with similar abilities. How will this be done? By collecting every run you make, as well as recording what happened within that run. We even track which Roper missed and which Roper received penalties. We find these details critical as it better informs why the Roper did, or did not, win.
We also collect split times. We do this by splitting the time when the steer is legal-to-heel and when the run is complete. This breaks the run down so we can determine whether it is the header or the heeler making up the time.
All said, we want Ropers to win money and not be penalized, unless they’re performing in the categories and parameters above them. Raising and lowering your number will be based on your performance data. If you are a 5+ header and performing in the category of a 5 header, our system will automatically lower you. If you are a 5+ performing in the 6 category, our system will automatically raise you. RopeMetrics alerts Ropers via text message, notification through the app, and through email. Additionally our system sends out Ropers adjustments on Tuesday of every week.